Venus Retrograde 2021-2022: The Do's and the Don'ts Survival Guide

Venus Retrograde 2021-2022: The Do's and the Don'ts Survival Guide

Venus Retrograde will officially kick off on December 19th, and last through January 29th. Many people are feeling the effects already, due to it being in its Shadow Period. But on the 19th, we will be full speed ahead with no looking back.

Venus is the planet of love, beauty and finances. She goes retrograde every 18 months or so. It’s important to pay attention to what takes place in your life at this time.

This particular Venus retrograde will fall in the sign of Capricorn, moving between 26 degrees and 11 degrees. If you have any planets that fall within these degrees in a Cardinal sign (Capricorn, Aries, Libra or Cancer), you are likely to feel the affects more intensely.

During Venus Retrograde we will be re-assessing how we give and receive love in all our relationships. It’s also not uncommon for exes to reach out to you during this time. Perhaps they are re-visitng these relationships because there is something they need to heal from Karmically. Perhaps there is unfinished business that needs to resolve in order to move on. Or it could be that they want to connect again romantically. Whatever the case, it’s advised not to set any decisions in stone until after January 29th and the week after when Venus is completely out of her Shadow Period.

How we spend our money and the things we value will come up as well for review. It could have us re-thinking our current job situation and the ways we make our money. It’s also not uncommon for people to receive money that’s owed to them. This can be through a pending lawsuit, or some one paying you back for a loan you gave out years ago. Money can literally show up out of the blue.

We’ll also be feeling a little more insecure in the way we feel loved during this time. In the past I’ve found myself questioning whether my needs were being met and how I could adjust so I felt valued. If there is something that’s making you love yourself less than the way you deserve, now is the time to heal from that.

Here are some tips for surviving this year’s Venus Retrograde - The Do’s and the Don’ts


  1. No large or luxurious purchases. This is because when Venus is direct, we will realize our purchase isn’t what we thought it would be. For example, if you purchase a car, when Venus is direct you may realize that you didn’t like it as much as you thought you did when you bought it.

  2. No Cosmetic procedures or new hair styles. There is more of a chance for either something going wrong, or you not liking the end result. It doesn't meet your expectations.

  3. No new relationships. If possible, try to hold off. Dating is ok, however now is not the time to commit because we might not really see who the person is and their intentions.

  4. No new investments and no signing of new contracts. Venus retrograde can hide the finer print from you.


  1. Reassess your current relationships, adjusting anything that does not align with your values. Both Venus and Mercury are moving through the sign of Capricorn, so staying grounded is KEY at this time.

  2. Post pone any legal hearings and law suits.

  3. Bring back a look you’ve had in the past (make-up, hair, old outfits, etc).

  4. Reorganize your closet and donate anything you no longer wear. Even bringing back an old outfit or two.

  5. Bargain shopping. If you have to shop (which I totally get, I have Venus in my 2nd house) buy items of lesser value.

  6. And finally my favorite part of Venus retrograde: Self-care!

I’d like to leave off with a lovely quote that I find very helpful during this time:

“The love you’ve been seeking has always been inside. When you find yourself, you find it in others.” (author unknown).

If you’d like to share your personal experience with Venus Retrograde, please comment below!

Next Post: How Venus Retrograde Impacts Your Love Life

I also offer personalized Venus Retrograde Readings. I guide you through this transit so you can make the best of this energy. More info can be found on my website and this link: 2021-2022 Venus Retrograde Reading

How Venus Retrograde Impacts Your Love Life

How Venus Retrograde Impacts Your Love Life